Friday, May 11, 2012

the inspiration for this campaign

The link above connects you to a video which inclludes an inspiring message by Bishop Melvin Talbert. Several active and tretired bishops are visible standing in front of the stage when the camera pans across the front.
I was ready to give up all hope of changing The United Methodist Church. I wondered if the people who have told me I'd be happier in a different state-California or a different denomination-Episcopalian, were right. Then I remembered that Martin Luther King didn't change this country by writing letters to his congressperson. Gandhi didn't email the king of England to ask if he would make India independent.
Nonviolent direct action made the difference. People in power like the status quo because it works for them. if you can't outvote them you can change the staus quo so it doesn't suit them so much. Then they will change the rules. At least I hope so. it worked before, it can work again. Bishop Melvin Talbert, retired, really gets into his sermon at about the 29 minute mark. He calls for widespread civil disobedience in the Church, or, as he calls it, Biblical obedience. There are other great speakers before the Bishop as well if you have the time to watch the entire video.
Thank you Bishop Melvin Talbert. You inspired me when I really needed it.

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